Applications open for Tokyo-Princeton Postdoctoral Fellowship

Aug. 21, 2022

Tokyo-Princeton Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research on Contemporary Japan

This unique postdoctoral program is designed to support exceptionally promising early-career scholars who are conducting research on contemporary Japan from a global perspective. This research focus is one of Tokyo College’s ( five interdisciplinary research themes (Japan Viewed from Inside and Outside) and is central to the mission of Princeton University’s Global Japan Lab ( This three-year fellowship consists of one and half years of residence at both Tokyo College, the University of Tokyo, and the Global Japan Lab, Princeton University during which the successful applicant will work closely with faculty members at both universities, actively engage with the local and international scholarly communities, and develop their research agenda.


Job Title

Postdoctoral Fellow at Tokyo College, the University of Tokyo

Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Global Japan Lab, Princeton University


Field of Study

This position is designed to support exceptionally promising early-career scholars who are conducting research on contemporary Japan from a global perspective. It is open to candidates in all disciplines and we especially welcome applications from scholars who are pursuing, or intend to pursue, a multidisciplinary research agenda.

Postdoctoral researchers are expected to:

pursue their own research objectives on contemporary Japan, with a global and interdisciplinary lens; undertake collaborative research with researchers at the University of Tokyo and Princeton University; actively expand research collaborations and networks in Japan and the US (and beyond); actively attend or host research seminars at both universities, including seminars/events to be broadcast online; and engage in academic outreach through dissemination of research outcomes.


Schedule and Terms

The appointment is anticipated to start on September 1, 2023. It is a fixed-term, three-year contract without extension. Annual renewal is contingent on satisfactory performance.


Selection Criteria

  • A Ph.D. obtained not earlier than five years prior to the position start date. Applicants who anticipate receiving a Ph.D. degree before the start date are also eligible to apply. Those who have already received tenure are not eligible. We encourage applicants, where relevant, to include a statement on career interruptions in their CV (we will consider extensions of this eligibility period for eligible career interruptions.)
  • A description of outstanding research you have conducted (or demonstrated potential to develop outstanding research) on contemporary Japan from a global perspective
  • A description of independent research you plan to undertake during the three-year period at Tokyo College and Princeton University
  • Demonstrated or potential contributions to interdisciplinary research
  • Demonstrated ability to work as a part of a diverse team as evidenced by activities such as research collaboration, building external networks and linkages, and community building
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in both English and Japanese


Compensation and Benefits

Note that salary and benefits differ somewhat between the two universities. The terms below apply to each institution and the 1.5 years that the candidate will spend there.


Tokyo College:

  • Annual gross salary of JPY 6,000,000 plus benefits (may increase depending on annual performance)
  • Commuter allowance: Maximum JPY 55,000 per month
  • Social Insurance: Eligible for MEXT* Mutual Aid Association membership, employees’ pension, unemployment insurance, and workers’ accident compensation insurance (*MEXT: Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
  • Vacation: Annual paid vacation, sick leave (paid), special vacation (paid)
  • Research fund: Maximum JPY 1,000,000 per annum will be provided which can be used to cover research related expenses, including books or references, travel expenses, etc.
  • Relocation support for researchers from overseas: Tokyo College will provide support including obtaining a work visa and finding accommodation


Princeton University:

  • Rank and salary will be contingent on qualifications and experience
  • Annual research fund of up to $3,500 and reimbursement of moving expenses up to $2,500, subject to the University’s financial and spending policies
  • The appointment will be through either PIIRS (Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies) or the Department of Sociology.
  • The initial appointment will be for 12 months and will be renewed for the additional six months contingent on satisfactory performance.
  • This position is subject to the University’s background check policy.


Employment Status and Working Hours

In principle, postdoctoral researchers are employed full-time by the University of Tokyo and by Princeton University while in residence at each university. At the University of Tokyo, working hours may be made more flexible by adopting a discretionary labor system (exemption system) for this position and are left to the employees’ discretion. Other terms and conditions on this employment status shall be subject to the regulations of the hosting university.


Place of Work

Hongo Campus of the University of Tokyo: 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8654 JAPAN)

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 USA


Application Materials

  • Cover letter (maximum 1 page) including:
    • Name(s) of potential University of Tokyo and Princeton University faculty member(s) who youwould like to  be hosted by and to work with (you do not need to contact them in advance)
    • Names and contact details of 2 references (we may request the letter after the first screening whennecessary)
    • A summary of responses to the selection criteria listed above
    • Please indicate as a separate note at the end of the cover letter if you would like to be considered for Tokyo-Princeton Postdoctoral Fellow only, or both Tokyo College Postdoctoral Fellow and Tokyo-Princeton Postdoctoral Fellow.
  • Curriculum Vitae, including list of publications
  • Response to Selection Criteria and Research Statement (maximum 4 pages) responding separately to each selection criterion listed above, with emphasis on planned research as a postdoctoral fellow and beyond. This statement should include information on how the applicant’s proposed work will benefit from the research environments of both institutions.
  • One writing sample (this can be published or unpublished but should not be a full dissertation)


Application and Selection Process

Application deadline: September 30, 2022, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)


Selection process

After an initial screening process, shortlisted candidates will be invited for an online interview. Applicants who have not been shortlisted will be notified about the decision.